Friday, May 23, 2014

The many uses for Barnboard

Barnboard has grown in popularity in the last few years due to its rough natural appearance and its versatility to make a statement in any application and not to mention it is a green, recycled material! Paired with high gloss cabinetry or chrome finishes to create the perfect juxtaposition of modern and rustic. 

Here are just some of the many ways to incorporate barnboard into your interior...

Clad your kitchen island

Using barnboard in a kitchen setting may be a challenge if the wood is not sealed properly. By cladding the back of an island not only is there no worry of food messes but it creates a beautiful statement and focal point, especially laying the planks in a horizontal pattern as Sarah Richardson has done in this stunning kitchen.

Clad a feature wall

One of the main reasons barnboard is so highly sought after is because of its unique quality and by cladding a wall in your space, whether being behind a fireplace or the wall behind you bed, it is bound to create a wow factor and draw your eye in that direction.

Rustic barnboard furniture

Rustic reclaimed mantles to barnboard tables, using rustic furniture pieces incorporated into interiors gives a natural, earthy feel. By using the recycled barnboard not only are you creating beautiful furniture pieces but also saving yourself money by reusing this old wood!

Reclaimed beams and cladded ceilings 

Rustic reclaimed beams broken up by planks of barnboard is just another method to create a rustic retreat. Adding reclaimed beams to a modern design gives interest to an otherwise plain aspect of the room and utilizes natural materials.


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